Digital Signature For Original Works
Creators and rightsholders can use Liccium to generate content-derived identifiers from their works, inseparably bind rights and metadata, and publicly register their claims. Verifiable credentials and digital certificates help to certify their original content.

Users and platforms – on the other hand – can cryptographically verify claims, attribution or the integrity and authenticity of the content using our search engine.
TDM·AI – Opt-Out Declarations
TDM·AI is a protocol to inseparably bind machine-readable rightsholder preferences (opt-out or opt-in) declarations to your works (asset-based) so that your digital content can be properly licensed or effectively excluded from training models and applications of generative AI.

It is based on the DSM Directive on Copyright 2019/790, Article 4(3), making use of the benefits of the International Standard Content Code (ISO 24138 – ISCC) and Creator Credentials.

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Federated Registry Infrastructure
Liccium's federated registry infrastructure allows creators and rightsholders to declare ISCC codes and bind metadata, rights, and provenance to their digital content. By externalising metadata rather than embedding it in media files, critical information stays accessible even if content is altered or embedded metadata gets removed.

Powered by federated peer-to-peer technology, the infrastructure ensures fast synchronisation of ISCC codes and metadata in public or permissioned environments. The decentralised architecture supports high scalability for large datasets like fingerprints and provides granular access controls to safeguard sensitive data. Fully aligned with current and emerging AI regulations, it promotes transparency, authenticity, and compliance in the digital content ecosystem, meeting the needs of creators and platforms alike.
Creator Credentials Identity Solution
Liccium is introducing Verifiable Credentials to the cultural and creative industries by developing a user-centric digital identity management framework that is specifically designed to serve the unique needs of the cultural and creative industries.

Creator Credentials is a software application that can be used by creators to request and hold verifiable credentials (VCs) to manage their decentralised digital identities. It can be used by media organisations, membership organisations or other trust services to manage and issue verifiable credentials to creators and other rightsholders.

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